Sep 18, 2014

Using Gmail to send a message from a SAS Program

Today I came across this interesting post about using GMAIL to send SAS outputs via SAS Email Statement...This is kind of an off topic as mostly it might not be helpful at work place...could use the same technique to send from outlook if you know the right SMTP port addresses...

Please go thru the configuration steps in SAS EG...

Direct Source Link

Jul 23, 2014

Creating a Directory Listing Using SAS for Windows in TopDown order

Here I present a macro to Create a directory listing using SAS for Windows in TopDown order...

SAS Institute has provided a macro to Create a directory listing using SAS for Windows....I have added additional steps to massage the results and provide a report which gives the results in descending order of the file size....

The macro provides options for
- Traversing sub-dirs based on a limit specified
- reporting the results
- limiting results based on size(mention in MB)
- based on date.

I've used this macro to check for space issues on network folders at work....
I hope it suits your situation....

Taking an example of C:\Intel...

The dirlist dataset has the records...

The final Topdown dataset has...

Output to Excel...

So here's the macro

%macro DIRLISTWIN( PATH      /* Windows path of directory to examine                             */
                 , MAXDATE=  /* [optional] maximum date/time of file to report                   */
                 , MINDATE=  /* [optional] minimum date/time of file to report                   */
                 , MAXSIZE=  /* [optional] maximum size of file to report (MB)                */
                 , MINSIZE=  /* [optional] minimum size of file to report (MB)                */
                 , OUT=      /* [optional] name of output file containing results of %DIRLISTWIN */
                 , REPORT=Y  /* [optional] flag controlling report creation                      */
                 , SUBDIR=Y  /* [optional] include subdirectories in directory processing        */
                 , MAXLEVRPT=3 /* [optional] Max Levels of subdirectories summarization Required   */
                 ) ;

   /* PURPOSE: create listing of files in specified directory to make evident
    * NOTE:    %DIRLISTWIN is designed to be run on SAS installations using the Windows O/S
    * NOTE:    &PATH must contain valid Windows path, e.g., 'c:' or 'c:\documents and settings'
    * NOTE:    &MAXDATE and &MINDATE must be SAS date/time constants in one of the following formats:
    *             'ddMONyy:HH:MM'dt *** datetime constant ***
    *             'ddMONyy'd        *** date     constant ***
    *             'HH:MM't          *** time     constant ***
    * NOTE:    if &SUBDIR = Y then all subdirectories of &PATH will be searched
    *          otherwise, only the path named in &PATH will be searched
    * NOTE:    uses Windows pipe option on file reference
    * NOTE:    if %DIRLISTWIN is used successively in the same job, then
    *             the report will contain the cumulative directory listing of all directories searched
    *             a separate &OUT dataset will be created for each %DIRLISTWIN invocation
    * USAGE:
    *  %DIRLISTWIN( c:/data1 )
    *  %DIRLISTWIN( c:/data1, MINDATE='01JAN04:00:00:00'dt, MAXDATE='16MAR04:23:59:59'dt )
    *  %DIRLISTWIN( c:/data1, MINDATE='00:00:00't, MAXDATE='23:59:59't, MINSIZE=1000000 )
    *  %DIRLISTWIN( d:/data2, REPORT=Y )
    *  %DIRLISTWIN( d:/documents and settings/robett/my documents/my sas files/v8 )
    *  use Windows pipe with file reference to execute 'dir' command to obtain directory contents
    *  parse pipe output as if it were a file to extract file names, other info
    *  [optional] select files that are within the time interval [ &MINDATE, &MAXDATE ]
    *  [optional] select files that are at least as large as &MINSIZE bytes and no larger than &MAXSIZE
    *  sort records by owner, path, filename
    *  [optional] create report of files per owner/path if requested
    *  [optional] create 1-line report of files per owner/path if requested

   %let DELIM   = ' ' ;
   %if %upcase( &SUBDIR ) = Y %then %let SUBDIR = /s ; %else %let SUBDIR = ;

   /* external storage references

   /* run Windows "dir" DOS command as pipe to get contents of data directory */

   filename DIRLIST pipe "dir /-c /q &SUBDIR /t:c ""&PATH""" ;

   /* begin executable code

   /* use Windows pipe to recursively find all files in &PATH
    * parse out extraneous data, including unreadable directory paths
    * process files >= &MINSIZE in size
    * directory list structure:
    *    "Directory of" record precedes listing of contents of directory:
    *    Directory of <volume:> \ <dir1> [ \ <dir2>\... ]
    *    mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss [AM|PM] ['<DIR>' | size ] filename.type
    *    example:
    *       Volume in drive C is WXP
    *       Volume Serial Number is 18C2-3BAA
    *       Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\robett\My Documents\My SAS Files\V8\Test
    *       05/21/03  10:58 AM    <DIR>          CARYNT\robett          .
    *       05/21/03  10:58 AM    <DIR>          CARYNT\robett          ..
    *       12/24/03  10:22 AM    <DIR>          CARYNT\robett          Codebook
    *       04/23/01  02:42 PM               387 CARYNT\robett
    *       10/09/03  11:35 AM             20582 CARYNT\robett          test.log
    *       10/28/03  08:02 AM             58682 CARYNT\robett          test.lst
    *       10/09/03  11:35 AM              1575 CARYNT\robett
   /* drop these datasets if already exists */
   proc sql;
         drop table dirlist;
         drop table report;

   /*Count the number of the Initial Directory levels in the Rootpath for eg. C:\Temp i.e. 2  */
   data _null_;
   call symputx('lvlsinitpath',dirlevels);

   /*Count the number of the Initial Directory levels */
   data dirlist ;
      length path filename $255 line $1024 owner $17 temp $16 ;
      retain path ;

      infile DIRLIST length=reclen ;
      input line $varying1024. reclen ;

      if reclen = 0 then delete ;

      if scan( line, 1, &DELIM ) = 'Volume'  | /* beginning of listing */
         scan( line, 1, &DELIM ) = 'Total'   | /* antepenultimate line */
         scan( line, 2, &DELIM ) = 'File(s)' | /* penultimate line     */
         scan( line, 2, &DELIM ) = 'Dir(s)'    /* ultimate    line     */
      then delete ;

      dir_rec = upcase( scan( line, 1, &DELIM )) = 'DIRECTORY' ;

      /* parse directory     record for directory path
       * parse non-directory record for filename, associated information

      if dir_rec
         path = left( substr( line, length( "Directory of" ) + 2 )) ;
      else do ;
         date = abs(input( scan( line, 1, &DELIM ), mmddyy10. )) ;

         time = input( scan( line, 2, &DELIM ), time5. ) ;

         post_meridian = ( scan( line, 3, &DELIM ) = 'PM' ) ;

         if post_meridian then time = time + '12:00:00'T ; /* add 12 hours to represent on 24-hour clock */

         temp = scan( line, 4, &DELIM ) ;

         if temp = '<DIR>' then size = 0 ; else size = input( temp, best. ) ;

         owner = scan( line, 5, &DELIM ) ;

         /* scan delimiters cause filename parsing to require special treatment */

         filename = scan( line, 6, &DELIM ) ;

         if filename in ( '.' '..' ) then delete ;

         ndx = index( line, scan( filename, 1 )) ;

         filename = substr( line, ndx ) ;
      end ;

      /* date/time filter */

      %if %eval( %length( &MAXDATE ) + %length( &MINDATE ) > 0 )
      %then %do ;
         if not dir_rec
         then do ;
            datetime = input( put( date, date7. ) || ':' || put( time, time5. ), datetime13. )  ;

            %if %length( &MAXDATE ) > 0 %then %str( if datetime <= &MAXDATE ; ) ;
            %if %length( &MINDATE ) > 0 %then %str( if datetime >= &MINDATE ; ) ;
         end ;
      %end ;
        sizeMB=size/(1024*1024); /*Size in MB*/
        sizeGB=size/(1024*1024*1024); /*Size in GB*/

      drop dir_rec line ndx post_meridian temp ;
        format sizeMB sizeGB comma10.2 date mmddyy10.;
   run ;

   proc sort data=dirlist out=dirlist ; by owner path filename ; run ;

   /* add data for current directory path to cumulative report dataset

   proc append base=report data=dirlist ; run ;

   /* break association to previous path prior to next %DIRLISTWIN invocation

   filename DIRLIST clear ;

   /*-------------Code specific to the Requirement --------*/
      proc sql;
      select max(dirlevels) into :maxLevels
      from dirlist;
      %let maxLevels=&maxLevels;
      %put maxLevels=&maxLevels;

      proc sort data=dirlist; by path; run;

      data dirlistSize;
      length previous $ 100;
      retain previous;
      set dirlist;

      array brklevels{&maxLevels} $100; * _temporary_ ;
      array levels{&maxLevels} $100 level1-level&maxLevels ;
      do i=1 to dirlevels;
            if i=1 then levels(i)=strip(substr(levels(i),2));

      *if path="&PATH" and compress(filename) eq '' then delete;
      if compress(filename) eq '' then delete;
      format size sizeMB sizeGB comma16.2 ;
      if size gt 0;

      %macro levels;    
            %do i=&lvlsinitpath. %to %eval(&maxlev -1);

                  select distinct level&i. AS Path, sum(size) as Size format=comma10.2,sum(size)/(1024*1024) as SizeMB format=comma10.2,sum(size)/(1024*1024*1024) as SizeGB format=comma10.2
                  from dirlistSize
                  where level&i. ne ''
                  group by level&i.


      %mend levels;

      %if %eval(&lvlsinitpath. + &MAXLEVRPT.) gt &maxLevels %then %do; %let maxlev=&maxLevels; %end;
      %else  %let maxlev=%eval(&lvlsinitpath. + &MAXLEVRPT.);

      %put maxLevels=&maxLevels lvlsinitpath=&lvlsinitpath MAXLEVRPT=&MAXLEVRPT maxlev=&maxlev;

      proc sql feedback;
      create table prefinal as


            select distinct level&maxlev. AS Path, sum(size) as Size format=comma10.2,sum(size)/(1024*1024) as SizeMB format=comma10.2,sum(size)/(1024*1024*1024) as SizeGB format=comma10.2
            from dirlistSize
            where level&maxlev. ne ''
            group by level&maxlev.

            order by Path,size desc;

      data final;
      set prefinal;

      /*Size filter*/
        %if %length( &MAXSIZE ) > 0 %then %str( if sizeMB <= &MAXSIZE ; ) ;
      %if %length( &MINSIZE ) > 0 %then %str( if sizeMB >= &MINSIZE ; ) ;    

      proc sort data=final out=TopDown; by dirlevels descending size; run;

  %if &REPORT eq Y
  %then %do ;
      ods listing close;
        ods html file="&OUT.";
      title1 "Directory Listing and Size greater than &MINSIZE. (MB) " ;
      title2 "at Location: &PATH" ;
      proc report center data=TopDown headskip nowindows spacing=1 split='\' ;
         column path size sizeMB sizeGB; * dirlevels;
         define path    / display   width=17        'Path' ;
         define size     / display format=comma16.2 'Size in Bytes' ;
         define sizeMB     / display format=comma16.2 'Size in MB' ;
         define sizeGB     / display format=comma16.2  'Size in GB' ;
         *define dirlevels / display  'Sub Directory Levels' ;
      run ;
      title ;
        ods html closeods listing;
   %end ;


%let outxls=C:\DirSpaceListing_&sysdate9..xls;

        %DIRLISTWIN(C:\Intel\                         /* Windows path of directory to examine                             */
                 , MAXDATE=                           /* [optional] maximum date/time of file to report                   */
                 , MINDATE=                           /* [optional] minimum date/time of file to report                   */
                 , MAXSIZE=                           /* [optional] maximum size of file to report (MB)                */
                 , MINSIZE=                           /* [optional] minimum size of file to report (MB)                */
                 , OUT=&outxls.                       /* [optional] name of output file containing results of %DIRLISTWIN */
                 , REPORT=Y                           /* [optional] flag controlling report creation                      */
                 , SUBDIR=Y                           /* [optional] include subdirectories in directory processing        */
                 , MAXLEVRPT=5                      /* [optional] Max Levels of subdirectories summarization Required   */
                 ) ;