Oct 7, 2010

SAS Macros to Read data from MS Excel using DDE

Here are a set of SAS Macros to read data from MS Excel using DDE…
Let me explain with some scenarios with the Excel data stored in “C:\Names.xlsx” in worksheet named “Sheet1″…
This excel file has in fact data that can be read into 2 datasets…i.e. Name / State in one dataset and City/State into another dataset right…We can accomplish that using that using the SAS macros below….
The Macro Call OpenExcelWorkbook opens the excel work book for copy…
The Macro Call ReadFromExcelTemplate reads the 1st block of excel data from row1/col1 to row7/col2 with 1 first record to be used as column names in the SAS Dataset…
The Macro Call ReadFromExcelTemplate reads the 1st block of excel data from row2/col1 to row5/col2 with no record to be used as column names (the macro defaults the var names to col1,col2 etc…) in the SAS Dataset…
The Macro Call ReadFromExcelTemplate reads the the 2nd block of excel data from row10/col1 to row14/col2 with 1 first record to be used as column names in the SAS Dataset…
The Macro Call ReadFromExcelTemplate reads the 2nd block of excel data from row11/col1 to row14/col2 with no record to be used as column names (the macro defaults the var names to col1,col2 etc…) in the SAS Dataset…
The Macro Call JustCloseExcel closes the excel work book…
Other references for Exporting SAS datasets, DDE and MS Excel related…
Full Code Below
%macro OpenExcelWorkbook(WorkBook);
      options noxwait noxsync nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen;
      /* start excel 2007 */
      data _null_;
       rc=system('start /min excel');
       /* talk to DDE, no output data */
       x=sleep(4); /*sleep for 4 secs*/
      data _null_;
      x=sleep(2); /* wait 3 seconds for it to open */
      filename DDEcmds dde "excel|system";
      data _null_; /* talk to DDE, no output data */
      x=sleep(5); /* wait 3 seconds for it to open */
      file DDEcmds;
      put %unquote(%str(%'[open("&WorkBook.")]%'));
      /*put %unquote(%str(%'[workbook.activate("&WorkSheet.")]%'));*/
      x=sleep(5); /* wait 3 seconds for it to open */
      filename DDEcmds clear;
options mprint mlogic symbolgen;
%mend OpenExcelWorkbook;
%macro ReadFromExcelTemplate(dsn,WorkBook,WorkSheet,StartRow,StartCol,EndRow,EndCol,header,maxcolwidth);
options noxwait noxsync; /* nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen;*/
%let dlmr='09'x;
%let numvars=%eval(&EndCol. - &StartCol. + 1);
%if %lowcase(&header.) eq yes %then
      /* Read the Header Info First */
        FILENAME ReadHdr DDE "EXCEL|&WorkSheet.!R&StartRow.C&StartCol.:R&StartRow.C&EndCol." notab;
        DATA _null_;
        /* read in the name of the columns with the maxcolwidth */
           %do r=1 %to &numvars;
                ColName&r. $ &maxcolwidth.
         INFILE ReadHdr dlm=&dlmr. dsd missover;    
                %do s=1 %to &numvars;
               /* assign the colname1, colname2 etc macrovariables with the column names read from the file*/ 
          %do t=1 %to &numvars;               
                  Call symput(compress('ColName'||&t),compress(ColName&t.));
        filename ReadHdr clear;
      /* assign the colname1, colname2 etc macrovariables with the col1 col2 names*/ 
        DATA _null_;
          %do t=1 %to &numvars;               
                  Call symput(compress('ColName'||&t),compress("Col&t."));
%if %lowcase(&header.) eq yes %then
      /* Build DDE FileName Statement to Point to the Right Location on the Excel Spreadsheet */
      FILENAME ReadData DDE "EXCEL|&WorkSheet.!R%eval(&StartRow. + 1)C&StartCol.:R&EndRow.C&EndCol." notab;
      FILENAME ReadData DDE "EXCEL|&WorkSheet.!R&StartRow.C&StartCol.:R&EndRow.C&EndCol." notab;
DATA &dsn.;
     %do p=1 %to &numvars;
          &&&ColName&p. $ &maxcolwidth.
   INFILE ReadData dlm=&dlmr. dsd missover;   
        %do q=1 %to &numvars;
filename ReadData clear;
%mend ReadFromExcelTemplate;
%macro JustCloseExcel;
options noxwait noxsync nomprint nomlogic nosymbolgen;
filename DDEcmds dde "excel|system";
/* Save the Excel file and Quit Excel */
data _null_;
      file DDEcmds;   
      put '[Quit()]';
  filename DDEcmds clear;
options mprint mlogic symbolgen;
%mend JustCloseExcel;