And also there could be other instances where you need to do the opposite
i.e. split a macro variable values list into individual pieces and get them
into a series of macro variable values. One can use the below macro for such a
Macro_Name: split_macrovalue
* Purpose: this
macro is used to split a macro and return series of macro variables
* Usage:
%split_macrovalue(macvar,prefix,splitcnt,dlm=' ');
Input_parameters: macvar - input macro var
* prefix - prefix of the macro
vars to be created in sequence order...
* splitcnt - name of the macro
vars to store the length of the macro variable
* dlm= - delimiter in the string (default is
comma i.e. ,)
* Outputs: None.
* Returns: None
* Example:
* %let
str1=he she me to 3 "some";
* %SplitMacroValue(str1,pre,strcnt,dlm='
* %put
pre1=&pre1 pre2=&pre2 pre3=&pre3 pre4=&pre4 pre5=&pre5
pre6=&pre6 ;
* %put
Modules_called: None
* Maintenance_History:
* Date:
| Who: |
12/14/2011 | Sharad | Initial creation. *
Start macro split_macrovalue(&macvar,&prefix,&splitcnt,&dlm);
%upcase(&dlm) eq COMMA %then
%do; %let
dlm=,; %end;
%if %upcase(&dlm)
eq PIPE %then %do;
%let dlm=|; %end;
%if %upcase(&dlm)
eq SPACE %then %do;
%let dlm=%str(
); %end;
&splitcnt; /*create the global variable for storing the
num=1; /*initialize a counter variable*/
&prefix# /*create the global variable for storing the
first split*/
/*Scan the first value*/
/* %put value
here is &&&prefix#*/
/* Remove the
comment's to check the values */
gt 0 %then
gt 0);
&splitcnt=# /*Store the split count to the macro variable
num=%eval(&num + 1);/*increment the
&prefix# /*create the global variable*/
/*scan the next value*/
%put The next value is
&prefix&num=&&&prefix# */
&splitcnt=# /*Store the split count to the macro variable
The number of values are &&&splitcnt;
/* Remove the comment's
to check the values */
&printvalue=Y %then
%do i=1
%to &&&splitcnt;
&prefix&i = &&&prefix&i;
End macro split_macrovalue;
These macro calls
below take the macro variable ‘gender’ with a value list and populate them into
a series of macro variables with a prefix ‘gen’…Please note the variations of
the delimiters in each of the macro invocations.
mprint mprintnest
mlogic mlogicnest;
gender = 'F','M';
gender = 'F'|'M';
gender = 'F' 'M';
I hope these macros help you in simplifying your situations ….
Please let me know if you have any questions.