Here are some handy SAS Keyboard shortcuts that many SAS developers are not aware of…
Try them for yourselves…
Comment the section with line comments (/): press CTL + /
/*proc sql noprint;*/
/*select distinct strip(path) into :WorkLoc*/
/*from sashelp.vmember*/
/*where libname=”WORK”;*/
Undo the comment: press CTL + SHIFT + /
Convert selected text to lowercase: press CTL + SHIFT + L
Convert selected text to uppercase: press CTL + SHIFT + U
Indent selected section: press TAB
Un-indent selected section: press SHIFT + TAB
To move curser to the matching DO/END statement: press
ALT + [ or ALT + { or ALT+] or ALT + }
Some more of them are available at
Some more of them are available at